Which of the following Is a Good Definition for the Word Adaptation

December 12, 2022

Vestigial structures are not considered adaptive features. This is because their presence does not seem to give any function or advantage to the organism, which, on the other hand, makes an adaptive characteristic. Therefore, a structure that has atrophied and has not become functional cannot be considered an adaptive characteristic. Here are examples of stunted structures and therefore without adaptive characteristics: Each new style of clothing allows adaptation to individual cases, creating a pleasant and fashionable effect. Audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited under the media element, with the exception of promotional images, which usually link to another page containing the media credit. The media rights holder is the named person or group. There is a lack of public understanding and support for coastal adaptation measures, Ehrlers said. Among the scientists who dealt with adaptation before the development of the theory of evolution was Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon. He was a French mathematician who believed that organisms changed over time by adapting to the environments of their geographical locations. Another French thinker, Jean Baptiste Lamarck, suggested that animals could adapt, pass on their adaptations to their offspring, and thus evolve. The example he gave is that giraffe ancestors may have adapted to the lack of food of short trees by stretching their necks to reach higher branches.

According to Lamarck`s thought, the offspring of a giraffe that stretched its neck later inherited a slightly longer neck. Lamarck theorized that behaviors acquired in a giraffe`s life would affect its offspring. However, this was Darwin`s concept of natural selection, in which favorable traits such as a long neck in giraffes survived not because of acquired skills, but because only giraffes that had necks long enough to feed survived long enough to reproduce. Natural selection thus provides a more convincing mechanism of adaptation and evolution than Lamarck`s theories. Organisms may also exhibit behavioural adaptations. An example of behavioral adaptation is how emperor penguins gather in Antarctica to share their heat in the middle of winter. Adaptations such as camouflage and coloring protect them from predators. DNA mutations help prolong the survival of animals in dangerous environments, and these survival traits are passed on to future generations. These adaptations allow a variety of creatures to thrive on planet Earth.

I asked the Smith brothers to do an adaptation, and they did an adaptation of The Death of Jim Loney, another Jim Welch book. Adaptation is not acclimatization. Both terms are about change. However, acclimatization is physiological adaptation to new conditions, but it does not involve increasing biodiversity, as adaptation does. For a trait to be considered an adaptation, it must be hereditary, functional and adapted. (No. 1) Learn more about adaptation, its definition, types, meaning or other topics related to BYJU`S Biology In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by which organisms adapt to new environments or changes in their current environment. Although scientists discussed adaptation before the 1800s, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace did not develop the theory of natural selection until then. Wallace believed that the evolution of organisms was somehow related to the adaptation of organisms to changing environmental conditions. In developing the theory of evolution by natural selection, Wallace and Darwin went beyond mere adaptation by explaining how organisms adapt and evolve. The idea of natural selection is that traits that can be transmitted allow organisms to adapt better to the environment than other organisms of the same species. This allows for better survival and reproduction compared to other members of the species, leading to evolution.

These are words that are often used in combination with personalization. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “personalization.” The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. This Jack Clayton adaptation of The Turn of the Screw is one of the few images that does justice to Henry James. Organisms can adapt to an environment in different ways. They can adapt biologically, that is, they change bodily functions. An example of biological adaptation can be seen in the bodies of people living at high altitudes like Tibet. Tibetans thrive at altitudes where oxygen levels are up to 40% lower than sea level. Such thin breathable air would make most people sick, but the bodies of Tibetans have developed changes in their body chemistry. Most people can survive at high altitudes for short periods of time because their bodies increase their levels of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen in the blood.

However, persistently high hemoglobin levels are dangerous, so high hemoglobin levels are not a good solution for long-term high-altitude survival. The Tibetans appeared to have developed genetic mutations that allow them to use oxygen much more efficiently without the need for additional hemoglobin. As an adaptation of the electrical device that appeared on the most modern ships, Harkness knew how to deal with it. So it`s not exactly an adaptation of a book you`ve seen in the library – it`s more of a performance of one of Japan`s most famous stories. The term adaptation comes from the Latin “adaptō”, which means “I pass” or “I adapt”. It is a common word in ecology and evolutionary biology. The organism tends to undergo changes in order to be better adapted to its environment. However, this article focuses on the biological or ecological aspect of adaptation. Let`s find out more about it below.

Like structural adaptations, physiological adaptations involve physical changes in the species. However, physiological adaptations are not always observed in the appearance of the organism. This type of adaptation may be due either to changes in the environment or to the behaviour of other species. It is the change that affects the behavior of an organism. This could be caused by changes in the environment or by the actions of other species. For example: the rabbit freezes when it feels that it has been seen by a predator. Changes in reproductive strategy, feeding habits, migration, hibernation, communication methods are other examples of behavioral adaptations. Gevaert sees the adaptation of the scheme to the other keys as the result of a gradual extension process. The theory of adaptation was proposed by Charles Darwin, which states that an organism capable of adapting to the changing environment will survive, the rest will be eliminated.

This is called survival of the fittest. Evolutionary adaptation, or simply adaptation, is the adaptation of organisms to their environment in order to improve their chances of survival in that environment. The changes that living systems make in response to their environment. Thick coat, for example, is an adaptation to a cold climate.